Noticing a child’s earache can be tough due to their difficulty in communicating. While older children may be more vocal about their ear pain, younger kids may simply tug at their ears or act a bit more fussy than usual. Additionally, determining the source of the earache may be difficult due to the wide range of issues that cause it. In order to get a better sense of their discomfort and underlying issue, getting the input of a specialist is essential. At Marlowe MD, we have a long history of addressing pediatric ENT concerns.
What Causes Earaches in Children
A child’s earache can be due to a variety of different factors. If your child appears to be struggling with ear pain, the first things to rule out are swimmer’s ear and teething. Swimmer’s ear presents itself in the form of outer ear pain and frequent ear lobe tugging, making it distinct from otitis media. Additionally, earaches may be caused by a number of other conditions such as middle ear effusions, sinus congestion, and pharyngitis. In order to receive a proper diagnosis for your child’s earache, request a consultation with Drs. Marlowe & Houle is a must.
Diagnosing a Child’s Earache
When you visit our Sarasota center, we will begin by asking you about your child’s medical history. Important things to consider include whether your child has suffered from a sore throat or head cold recently and if they’ve had trouble sleeping. If necessary, we will examine your child’s eardrum using a lighted instrument called an otoscope. Sometimes, a pneumatic otoscope may be used to check for signs of fluid. Other tests may be involved in determining the cause of your child’s earache as well. Regardless of the steps necessary, we will do everything we can to find the root cause of your child’s discomfort and prescribe the treatment necessary.
Treating a Child’s Earache
In many cases, treating a child’s earache involves the prescription of an antibiotic such as amoxicillin. This will have to be taken over the course of 10 days on average to ensure complete resolution of infection. If your child is experiencing pain, we may recommend the use of over-the-counter medicine, such as ibuprofen or the use of eardrops. We encourage you to schedule a follow-up visit at our center following your initial consultation.

Child’s Earache Treatments In Sarasota, Florida
Often, children tend to experience discomfort that they can’t adequately communicate. If you think your child’s earache may be a cause for concern, we welcome you to contact our center. To learn more about what Drs. Marlowe & Houle can do this for you, make an appointment by calling (941) 379-3277 or selecting and filling out the appropriate form below.