Age Spots

If you have been dealing with age spots, Marlowe MD has you covered. Contact our Sarasota office today.

Age spots (also known as sun spots) tend to develop in people over 40 years of age, but they can also appear in younger people who have received a lot of sun exposure. Hyperpigmentation, such as the appearance of age spots, can occur more frequently as we age. The appearance of these marks is due to a combination of natural aging and frequent sun exposure. At Marlowe MD, we provide laser solutions to help address your skin issue and improve your look. 

What Are the Signs?

Most age spots are harmless and do not require treatment, though some do require further evaluation. Their color and shape can quickly identify these spots. In most cases, these signs of hyperpigmentation tend to be flat, oval in shape, and usually darker than your skin tone. They generally appear on areas of your body that have been exposed the most to the sun. These areas include the backs of your hands, the tops of your feet, your face, and your shoulders. They can range in size, from small freckle dots to being about half an inch in diameter. Age spots often group making them more noticeable.

How Do They Occur?

At Marlowe MD, we recommend wearing sunscreen at all times, wearing protective clothing such as hats, and remembering to protect skin even when sun damage does not appear to be a risk, such as on a cloudy day or while driving. The overactive cells in our skin are the primary thing responsible for the appearance of age spots. The occasional dark spot, as well as melasma and sun damage on your face, is in equal parts due to melanin clumping and ultraviolet (UV) light exposure. Though we know the cause of these pigmentation issues, it is impossible to predict when or where they will appear.

Man checking his face for age spots

Treatment Options for Age Spots

Here at Marlowe MD, we provide the most advanced treatments to ensure that you get the results you want with little downtime. We offer IPL photofacials, laser skincare services, and much more. If you’re ready to improve the look of your skin, get in touch today. Our options include:


Age Spot Treatments in Sarasota, Florida

Suffering from age spots and hyperpigmentation doesn’t have to be a part of your future. Marlowe MD has a solution for you when it comes to those stubborn age spots. If you are ready to take back control of your skin, look no further. Schedule your appointment by using the online scheduler or calling (941) 379-3277.

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Request an appointment at Marlowe, MD Ear, Nose & Throat today by calling (941) 379-3277 or completing the form below.

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(941) 379-3277